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Meditation and Fearless Living: A Talk at Llanover Hall by Gelong Thubten
Meditation and Fearless Living: A Talk at Llanover Hall by Gelong Thubten

Thu, 24 Oct


Llanover Hall

Meditation and Fearless Living: A Talk at Llanover Hall by Gelong Thubten

Based on Gelong Thubten’s latest bestselling book, ‘Handbook for Hard Times - a monk’s guide to fearless living’

Time & Location

24 Oct 2024, 19:00 – 20:00

Llanover Hall, Llanover Hall Arts Centre, Romilly Rd, Cardiff CF5 1FH, UK

About the event

Thubten will explain the topic of cultivating inner happiness and compassion through meditation practice. Life in the modern world has become increasingly busy and pressurised, with the constant search for happiness from material things now more intense than ever.

 Thubten will explain how meditation and mindfulness help us to handle life’s challenges with greater resilience. Through meditation we can transform our thoughts, emotions and reactions, and difficult situations can make us stronger. 

Topics will include exploring the nature of fear and anxiety, and how to become more fearless. We will look at how to establish a daily meditation practice, how to work with pain and suffering, the development of compassion and how to cultivate the skill of forgiveness.

 The talk will be followed by a book signing in the cafe at Llanover Hall where you will be able to purchase hot drinks. 

The book 'Handbook for Hard Times' can be purchased in our centre's cafe at £17.99 per hard cover book. We will also have Thubten's book: A Monk's Guide to Happiness on sale. Softcover is £6 and Hard Cover (now out of print) £17.99.


Gelong Thubten is a Buddhist monk, meditation teacher and author. He became a monk 30 years ago and has spent over six years in isolated retreats, including one which lasted for four years. He is regarded as one of the UK’s most influential meditation teachers, working with hospitals, schools, companies, prisons and rehab centres. He has lectured at Oxford University and for large organisations such as Google and The United Nations. He is also a director of several meditation centres as well as the humanitarian aid charity ROKPA International. Thubten is the author of the Sunday Times bestseller ‘A Monk’s Guide to Happiness’ as well as his new book ‘Handbook for Hard Times’. He also worked with Ruby Wax and neuroscientist Ash Ranpura on the book and live tour, 'How to be Human'.


Myfyrdod a byw yn ddi-ofn

Yn seiliedig ar lyfr poblogaidd diweddaraf Gelong Thubten “Handbook for Hard Times - arweiniad mynach I fyw ddi-ofn”.

Bydd Thubten yn esbonio sut mae  myfyrdod a meddwlgarwch helpa ni i ymdopi a heriau bywyd gyda mwy o wydnwch. Trwy myfyrdod gallwn drawsnewid ein meddyliau,ein hemosiynau a’n hymatebion, a gall sefyllfaoedd anodd ein gwneud yn gryfach.

Bydd y punciau cynnwys archwilio natur ofn a phryder a sut I ddod yn mwy di-ofn. Byddwn yn edrych ar sut I sefydlu ymarfer myfyrdod dyddiol. Sut I weithio gyda phoen a dioddefaint, datblygiad tosteri a pha fodd I feithrin y sgil o faddeuant.

Bydd y sgwrs yn cael ei dilyn gan arwyddo llyfr (bydd llyfrau ar werth yn y cyntedd)


Mynach bwdhaidd athro myfyrdod ac awdur yw Gelong Thubten. Daeth yn mynach ddeng mlynedd ar hugain yn ol ac mae ef wedi treulio dros chwech blynedd mewn encilion ynysig, gan cynnwys un a barhaodd am bedair blynedd. Mae’n cael ei ystyried yn un o athrawon myfyrdod mwyaf dylanwadol DU gan weithio gydag ysbytai, ysgolion, cwmniau, carchardai a chanolfannau adsefydlu. Mae ef wedi darlithio ym mhrifysgol Rhydychen ac I sefydliadau mawr fel Google a’r Cenhedloedd Unedig.

Mae e’n hefyd yn gyfarwyddwr sawl canolfan fyfyrio yn ogystal a’r elusen cymorth dyngarol “ROKPA International”

Thubten yw awdur llyfrwerthwr y “Sunday Times” “A Monk’s Guide to Happiness” yn ogystal a’r lyfr Newydd “A Handbook for Hard Times”.

Bu hefyd yn gweithio gyda Ruby Wax a niwrowyddonydd Ash Ranpura ar y llyfr a thaith fyw “How to be Human”


How to join

  1. Book your cushion for £7. Payable by Paypal
  2. Booking is nessesary, so we can prepare and keep you informed if there's any change.

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